

Dawang ventilation held its fifth anniversary

Time:2020-12-30 14:42:52Views:796

New journey and new leap; Never forget your original heart and sail away from your dreams

Celebrate the 5th anniversary of King ventilation and the end of 2020 celebration

On December 28, 2020, the 5th anniversary of the founding of Dawang ventilation! Affected by the epidemic, according to the requirements of the competent department for epidemic prevention and control, the company decided to cancel the original 5th anniversary celebration and hold simple birthday celebrations for the headquarters staff in the company!


New journey and new leap; Don't forget your original heart and sail after your dreams!New journey and new leap; Don't forget your original heart and sail after your dreams!

  Yang Chunping, general manager of Dawang ventilation, delivered a speech. He first reviewed the development process and achievements of Dawang ventilation in the past five years, and encouraged all Dawang people to continue to maintain and carry forward the spirit of "being able to bear hardships and dare to contribute", adhere to the belief of never forgetting their original intention and perseverance, and make unremitting efforts for Dawang to achieve greater glory!



Happy 5th birthday to the Dawang

  At the celebration, the administration department carefully prepared small games to carry forward the king's team spirit. More colorful eggs pushed the atmosphere of the whole audience to the top, and everyone was happy.

  In the afternoon, Dawang people held a year-end summary meeting. At the meeting, the managers of administrative department, procurement department, sales department, finance department, technology department and other departments first summarized the work in 2020 and planned the work in 2021


Wrap up meeting

  At the end of the meeting, general manager Yang Chunping delivered a speech, affirming the hard work of his partners in the past year, and achieved a high record of more than 135% over the same period, realizing contrarian growth. Thank you for your firm efforts and put forward new and higher requirements for your work in 2021: in the next year, we will still face challenges. In order to achieve greater achievements, we can't slack off at all. 2021 will be a year for you to continue to seek innovation, change, truth and progress. We will always adhere to the brand positioning of "focus, efficiency and safety", Adhering to the business philosophy of "customer demand-oriented, safety assurance as the core and artificial intelligence as the goal", we adhere to making reliable products, providing excellent services for customers, and strive to become a national excellent brand for the improvement of the environment in large spaces!


Pre:Dawang ventilation won the "top ten scientific and technological innovation enterprises in 2020 Next:Our company will attend the 17th (Shenzhen) motor drive and control technology seminar in 2021