

Dawang ventilation won the "top ten scientific and technological innovation enterprises in 2020

Time:2021-03-02 14:29:02Views:816

       On March 1, 2021, the Party Working Committee and office of Yanqiao Street held a grand high-quality development restart and 2020 advanced commendation conference in Wuyun theater. All party and government leaders in Yanqiao street and subway Xizhang station area, deputy heads of departments and above, heads of sub district stations, hospitals and schools, community secretaries and directors of Party and mass service centers, and industrial enterprises with an annual output value of more than 50 million yuan, In 2020, the top 50 enterprise heads of Taxation attended the conference.


  At the meeting, Xu Rui, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Yanqiao street, read out the "decision of the working committee of Yanqiao street, Huishan District, Wuxi City, Yanqiao sub district office, Huishan District, Wuxi City, on commending advanced units with high-quality development in 2020". In this honor list, King ventilation won the "top ten scientific and technological innovation enterprises in 2020".


  Perplexing 2020 covid-19 is an extraordinary year. It is an unforgettable year. In the face of the complicated internal and external situation, especially the serious impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, under the firm leadership of the District Committee and the district government, with the help and care of the Party committee of the Party committee, the company has been working hard and undaunted. The turnover has increased by over 50% compared with last year, and achieved an upward trend.


  In the next 2021, King ventilation will concentrate, do solid work and take responsibility, never forget the original intention, forge ahead and strive for the brilliance of innovation!


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